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EAJC Director-General addressed the WJC Executive Committee in Munich

Dr. Haim Ben-Yaakov, Director General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, addressed the participants of the Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress gathered in Munich for its biannual meeting.

Speaking about modern antisemitism at the meeting of the World Jewish Congress’ Global Security Department, Dr. Haim Ben-Yaakov presented the results of the new extended study “Jews of the Post-Soviet Space” conducted by the Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies, the EAJC special project.

The study illustrates a significant departure from the state antisemitism of Soviet times and a reduction of the level of violence motivated by antisemitic views. For instance, in Ukraine no case of anti-Semitic physical violence has occurred for several years in a row.

However, this does not mean that antisemitism as a cultural phenomenon has vanished in these countries. According to the study findings, manifestations of anti-Semitism in post-Soviet states mostly feature crimes inspired by Judeophobia, incitement to hostility against Jews, media-sponsored public antisemitism, and antisemitic stereotypes.

Dr. Haim Ben Yaakov introduced the dynamic activity of the EAJC in the field of combating anti-Semitism, including research and monitoring, Public Diplomacy program, new revolutionary methods by which the Congress operates with Jewish studying youth, etc.

“We are passionate about creating lasting change for the diverse Jewish communities of the Euroasian region and support legislation and actions that condemn anti-Semitism”, – said Dr. Haim Ben-Yaakov. “We appeal to the leaders of the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe and the countries of post-Soviet Euro-Asia, urging them to move toward a professional and efficient dialogue. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is determined to provide a platform for such activities and become a partner in this important work.”

The Executive Committee adopted a special resolution on combating anti-Semitism, calling all international organizations, governments, academic institutions, online and social media companies to unite forces and fight this dangerous phenomenon.

Photo: The EAJC leader at the WJC Executive Committee meeting in Munich.