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«The road to Babi Yar»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

“The Road to Babi Yar” traces the first hundred days of the Holocaust in Ukraine and asks how this mass extermination system evolved.

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«Beyond the Nistru»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

This film depicts some of the Holocaust events that took place in the first year of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union territories occupied by Romania.

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«We allow you to die»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

The additional film about the Holocaust in Transnistria. The film has two stories: the “Fall of Odessa” and “We allow you to die” – about the hunger camp to death Pecora.

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«Drawers of memory»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

In the sixth film of the project about Holocaust in the former Soviet Union, Boris Maftsir implores the discovery of the Holocaust memorial in Latvia.

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«Until the last step»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

By the end of the winter of 1941 – 42, almost all the killings of Jews in eastern Belarus had already been completed. Some ghettos still remain in the western part.

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«The Eastern Front»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

The film features five stories from various parts of Russia where painful memories of the “Unknown Holocaust” are revealed.

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A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

The film calls on the uniqueness of the tragedy of the destruction of the Crimean Jews and of Jewish kolkhozim – along with the other Jewish communities of the Crimea.

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«The Guardians of Remembrance»

A Documentary by Boris Maftsir

Guardians of Remembrance – are Jewish and non-Jewish witnesses.

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A Documentary by Grigoryi Mouromtsev

A unique documentary in which former juvenile prisoners of the ghetto and concentration camps talk about their childhood.

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The memory of six million Jews – men, women and children – who died during the Holocaust is sacred! The Holocaust was the time when atrocities met with impunity and the world plunged into chaos. For Jewish people the Holocaust is not just a historical event, but an enduring human pain, the memory of the past, of human sacrifices, of material and spiritual losses. This is a page of Jewish history that we can never turn, a terrible tragedy that must be remembered in order to avoid its repetition.

However, even today we see the attempts to revive the cult of hatred. Hotbeds of anti-Semitism continue to erupt despite the bitter lessons of the World War II. Jews around the world face manifestations of anti-Semitism. The rhetoric of hatred is reflected in oral and written forms, despite all the attempts to eradicate it: Jews are attacked on the streets, their synagogues and cemeteries are desecrated. We have a responsibility to continue to fight these dangerous phenomena.

The acceptance of the anti-Semitism definition, as formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), by all the states and international organizations can be a significant step in the fight against anti-Semitism and racism. There is no place for hatred and anger in the modern society, and we must do everything possible to prevent a new potential round of violence. Peace and prosperity will never come in a world where basic human values are violated, and therefore it is our people, who survived a terrible tragedy that must guard these values.

At the end of last year, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress adopted a Resolution calling to oficially adopt the working definition of anti-Semitism, as well as condemn the attempts to rehabilitate those involved in the crimes of the Holocaust. The resolution calls on the authorities of the countries of the region to adopt the necessary legislative acts prohibiting the rehabilitation of collaborators and the silencing of their crimes. We are convinced that glorification of persons involved in such crimes leads to a significant increase of anti-Semitic sentiments, phenomenon, we are trying to eradicate.

On the International Holocaust Remembrance Day we must say once again no to anti-Semitism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and any intolerance, as well as remember those who lived, survived and died in inhuman conditions, fought the enemy and won, saved other people’s lives by exposing themselves to mortal danger. May their memory be blessed!

Dr. Michael Mirilashvili

President of the EAJC

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