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EAJC leaders congratulated communities on the upcoming holidays

On September 5, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress gathered leaders of communities and organizations in the region online to congratulate them on the upcoming High Holidays.

The meeting was attended by EAJC President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili, EAJC Board Chairman Aaron G. Frenkel, EAJC General Director Dr. Haim Ben Yaakov, heads of communities and member organizations of the Congress. Representatives of the Jewish community of the United Arab Emirates also attended the meeting as observers.

“There is a meaning in so that we wish a sweet new year and dip apples in honey in a traditional meal on Rosh Hashanah. Our tradition prescribes us to do this so that we fully experience what a truly good year can await us, if we spend it in a right manner, doing good deeds, helping others, doing everything that is required of us. I want to thank you all for your great dedication and work for the benefit of the Jewish future in our region and wish you that the year will be exactly as we will imagine it, while eating traditional ‘simanim’ of the Rosh Hashanah,” – said the EAJC President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili.

“Rosh Hashanah symbolizes a new beginning, and we hope that in the coming year, unlike previous ones, we will finally be able to see each other live,” said EAJC Chairman of the Board Aaron G. Frenkel.

In a special video address, the President of Israel, Yitzhak Herzog also congratulated the leaders of the Jewish Diaspora: