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Condolences on the assassination of ex-Japanese PM Shinzo Abe

Photo: CSIS | Center for Strategic & International Studies

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress leaders pay sincere condolences to people and government of Japan on the assassination of former prime minister Shinzo Abe (67). He was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister and led the government from 2012 to 2020. He was shot in the city of Nara while speaking at a rally ahead of parliamentary elections. Abe was the great friend of Israel. This unexpected and cynic murder shocked the whole Jewish Community all over the world.

“Mr. Abe brought the relations between our counties to a new level. He genuinely respected our people and country. We all remember his historical visit back in 2018 that opened the new page in relations between our countries. His distinguished legacy will stay with us despite this horrible murder.

Shinzo Abe will forever remain in our hearts and in the blessed memory as a huge leader and wise colleague. We pray together with Japan people in these dark times”, wrote the EAJC president Dr. Michael Mirilashvili in the address to the Japan ambassador to Israel.