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The World Jewish Congress and the EAJC expand cooperation

A headquarters’ summit of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) was held in Tel-Aviv, headed by the WJC Chief Program officer Sonia Gomes de Mesquita and the EAJC CEO, Dr. Haim Ben-Yakov. During the summit WJC representatives presented the structure and framework, security department and flagship projects of WJC Global.

Dr. Ben-Yakov presented the new structure of the EAJC and the reforms that have taken place over the last year in the organization. In particular, the EAJC General Director emphasized that starting from September 1, the EAJC head office is located in the state of Israel, and the EAJC office in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be reorganized into a branch. A new branch in the Balkans will also be opened. In addition, as a result of reorganization – EAJC official representatives in Russia from March 2018, are the Chairman of the EAJC Board Aaron Frenkel and the first EAJC Vice-President Timur Khikhinashvili (Ben-Yehuda), and the EAJC Vice-President Alexander Levin is the EAJC official representative in Ukraine.

In addition, during the summit the EAJC and WJC joint projects were discussed and agreed to expand cooperation.