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Pesach Kosher v’Sameah from the President of EAJC

Dear friends,
I am honored to wish you Happy Passover!
OnĀ  Passover, we celebrate the liberation of our ancestors from Egyptian slavery and our becoming a free nation, with our own destiny – to change our world for the better. Since the events of the first Passover, the Jewish people have passed through countless trials, but even scattered around the world, we have preserved our faith and our ideals. Today, we look toward the future with hope and confidence.
We call Passover the Holiday of our Freedom. Wherever Jews live today, the EAJC directs all of its efforts to ensure that our people are able to live a free Jewish life, develop and prosper.
Pesach Kosher V’Sameach!
Mikhail Mirilashvili ,
President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress