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The EAJC is an umbrella organization linking the diverse Euro-Asian Jewish communities and organizations, and acting tirelessly to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Jewish people in government bodies and international organizations.

As the regional partner of the World Jewish Congress, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress promotes unity among the Jewish people and ensures the continuity of Jewish tradition and communal life in the Euroasian region.


The Jewish community of the USSR joined the World Jewish Congress. The concept of the new Jewish umbrella organization uniting the Jewish communities of the Euroasian region began to evolve.


The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is established on the initiative of the Jewish leaders of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. Dr. Alexander Machkevitch is elected as the first EAJC President. Dr. Mikhael Mirilashvili is named as vice-president of the organization.

1996 2019

The EAJC was gradually joined by the Jewish communities of India, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, and Mongolia, as well as the formerly isolated communities of Asia and Oceania.


Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist Vadim Shulman has been elected as the president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.


The British-Austrian businessman Julius Meinl is elected as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress president.


Dr. Mikhael Mirilashvili is unanimously elected to lead Euro-Asian Jewish Congress as its new president. Dr. Haim Ben Yaakov is appointed as the Director General of the EAJC.


The EAJC began fruitful cooperation with the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, the Confederation of Jewish Organizations of Ukraine and the Jewish community of Kiev.

2002 2017

The EAJC is joined by international organizations operating in the Eurasian region: the World Congress of Georgian Jews, the Association of Jewish Community Centers, the Maccabi Club Association, the Sefer Center, the Association of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concentration Camps, the Kesher Project, and others.


A cooperation agreement signed between the EAJC and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) as well as the Israeli-Russian Business Council. The Hillel Jewish student organizations and the Union of Jewish Students joined the EAJC.


The Jewish communities of Montenegro and Singapore joined the EAJC. The new regional office of the EAJC officially has opened in Montenegro.

Haim Ben Yakov


Menachem Bushuev


Viktorina Parsegova

Administrative Director

Dmitry Ostrovskiy

Program Director

Areas of activity

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Supporting Israel

Israel’s safety and well-being is a central concern of the EAJC. We have established close relations with the Government of Israel and the Israeli Knesset, the embassies of Israel in the countries of the region and the embassies of the EAJC countries in Israel.

Educational projects

The EAJC makes special efforts to facilitate and strengthen the connection with regional Jewish communities, the State of Israel, and Jewish culture at any age.

Social projects

The EAJC leaders view assistance to socially vulnerable Jewish families and elderly people in the Euro-Asian region as one of the most important goals of the congress activity.

Community affairs

The EAJC defends the interests of Jewish communities and develops intercommunal contacts in the Euro-Asian region. The Institute of Euro-Asian Jewish Studies, established by the EAJC, brings together leading experts in the field of studies of the modern state of Jewish life in the region.

Holocaust Legacy

The EAJC pays particular attention to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and supporting former ghetto and concentration camps prisoners. The Center for the Study of the Holocaust in the former USSR, created at Yad Vashem, has become the basis for scientific dialogue and teacher internships.

Combating Antisemitism

The EAJC is actively opposing a growing wave of anti-Semitism, including the demonization and delegitimization of Israel. We encourage government leaders to take a stand against anti-Semitic sentiments and fight hatred and violence against Jews.

EAJC in the Media

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