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Jewish population

around 8700 people

EAJC Affiliate

Jewish Cultural and Educational Community Center

Tbilisi, Vakhtang VI st., 30

+995 322 770653

Elena Berkovich

EAJC Affiliate

Union of Jews of Georgia

Tbilisi, Grigola Abashidze st., 14

+ 995 577 522 111; + 995 577 408 022

Ezra Palagashvili

Georgian Jewry is one of the oldest communities of the Jewish Diaspora. Archaeological sites prove the presence of Jews in Georgia from the 2nd century AD. According to Georgian historical tradition, the first time Jews appeared in Georgia after the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonian king. That is, after 586 BC.

One of the most important events in the life of Georgian Jews in the 19th century was the establishment of contacts with Russian Ashkenazi Jews, who began to settle in Georgia after the entry of East Georgia into the Russian Empire in 1801.

During the long period of the Jews’ residence in Georgia, Jews acquired many local customs, especially in culture and language. Georgia was known as a country where Jews lived quietly with little or no anti-Semitism.

In 1979, almost half of the 90 synagogues in the Soviet Union were in Georgia, and the level of Jewish religious knowledge was much higher than that of the Jews in other Soviet republics.

Now, the community of Georgian Jews and the Russian-speaking Ashkenazi Jews mostly live in Tbilisi. There are also communities in Kutaisi, Gori, Batumi, Oni, Akhaltsikhe, and some other places. There are synagogues in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Gori, Oni. Kosher food is available. Holidays are held, programs for young and eldery are functioning, cemeteries are being restored.

The Jewish Education Sunday School JFuture, a special project of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, is open for kids and their parents in Tbilisi.

Affiliated organizations and projects in the region

Hillel Case


JFuture - Sunday educational platform


International Jewish Women's Organization “Project KESHER”