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Dr. Michael Mirilashvili

EAJC President


Mr. Michael Mirilashvili was born in 1960 in Kulashi, Georgia. He acquired his medical education at St-Petersburg Medical School, Russia, and graduated in 1983 as a qualified pediatrician. Already as a young doctor Mirilashvili entered the business world and in the course of time his business activities became global.

Today, Mr. Mirilashvili’s business group includes hi-tech companies, as well as companies of development, maintenance and management of commercial and office real estate.

In the course of his entire lifetime and as soon as it became possible, Mr. Mirilashvili has been devoting his time and resources to broad philanthropic activities for the Jewish people and the State of Israel. He contributes a lot to the strengthening Jewish communities in the CIS and makes generous donations to the restoration of synagogues and communal institutions. He supports connections between the Jewish communities and the State of Israel.

Mr. Mirilashvili serves today as President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), and has been the President of Maccabi-Russia for 25 years, the Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress, the Vice-President of the Russian Jewish Congress, the President of the Jewish Congress of St-Petersburg and much more.

Within the framework of his activities he promotes human rights, strives to enrich the Jewish learning and education and contributes to the creation of the new synagogues and soup kitchens.

Michael Mirilashvili is conducting wide international philanthropic activities through Keren HaYesod and he gave large donations to a series of national projects in Israel. Among them: Assisting the repatriation of Jews from the states where they suffer mistreatment. In the past he was the Chairman of ZAKA organization. His recent activities include: Sending a plane with the Israeli physicians and paramedics to help the victims of the terror attack in Burgas, Bulgaria; The creation of the station of fire trucks after “The Carmel Disaster”; Donation of Torah scrolls to IDF units etc.

Mr. Michael Mirilashvili supports the Yad Vashem project – “The Center of the historical studies on the Soviet Jews in the years of the Holocaust”.

Michael is married to Laura, who is also involved in many charity projects. They have two children – a daughter Tamara and a son Itzhak – and six grandchildren.

Itzhak, is the founder of the Russian social network “Vkontakte” and of the charity fund “Meromim”, continuing the charity traditions of his father.

“A strong and prosperous Jewish diaspora, united around the ancient Jewish heritage and the young Jewish state, is the main aspiration of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.

Each Jewish community of the Euro-Asian region is unique and distinctive. We are different. However, our centuries-old commitment to Jewish spiritual values ​​and mutual responsibility makes us strong in the face of any challenges.

We at the EAJC strive to preserve this unique foundation, strengthen the fruitful ties between the Jewish diaspora and the State of Israel, and attract the younger generation to the time-tested traditions of the Jewish people.

Year after year, we continue to support our long-established cultural, social, educational, and research projects. With great joy, we contributed to the new bright initiatives of our partners as well as the Jewish communities of the Euro-Asian region.

Extending our international activity, congress leaders meet with government leaders in multiple Euro-Asian countries. While enhancing our constructive dialogue about the future of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, we pay particular attention to the pressing problems currently on the agenda of the Jewish world.

What challenging tasks are the EAJC facing today? Priorities include: providing a firm response to the menacingly rising wave of anti-Semitism, continuing to preserve  the historical memory of the Jewish people, focusing on the development of Jewish national culture as well as community building and protection of Israel’s interests.”