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Menachem Busuhuev

EAJC Treasurer


Treasurer and deputy CEO of the EAJC, Chief of staff of the EAJC President.

Made Aliya to Israel in 1997, where he has graduated with distinction from the Bnei Akiva high school yeshiva. From 2001 to 2004 Mr. Bushuev has served in the IDF elite Egoz unit in the Golani Brigade.

In 2017, Mr. Bushuev has received BA degree in Economics and Management and then Masters of Business Administration degree in The Open University of Israel.

Since 2013, Mr. Bushuev has been Chief of staff of Mr. Mikhael Mirilashvili, president of EAJC and vice president of the World Jewish Congress. In this position, he is responsible for the major business and philanthropic initiatives of Mr. Mirilashvili. Since 2014 also serves as VP of Business Development at BIEnergy.

Mr. Bushuev is married to Esther and father of Jonatan and Naomi.