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Author: EAJC

Jewish communities of Euro-Asian region celebrate Passover

Ma nishtana? What has changed this night? Actually a lot! There was no such Passover in the history of the Jewish people. However, despite the restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the Jewish communities and organizations of the Euro-Asian region managed to hold a Seder

Tons of matzah delivered to Jewish communities of Euro-Asian region

Despite the difficulties associated with overcoming the coronavirus pandemic, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress delivered tons of matzah to the Jewish communities of the Euro-Asian region enabling Jews in India, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, and other countries to have matzah at their upcoming Passover

Happy Passover from EAJC!

Today thousands of Jews in the Euro-Asian region are holding the Seder, celebrating the most sacred and significant Jewish festival of the year. This Seder night is unique since, like so much else in our lives now, it is remade due to the unusual circumstances

EAJC congratulates Temur Ben Yehuda

Euro-Asian Jewish Congress wishes a happy birthday to the EAJC first vice-president, Temur Ben Yehuda (Khikhinashvili). Dear Temur, we greatly appreciate our fruitful teamwork within the framework of the EAJC, and your long-term philanthropic activity for the benefit of the Jewish people can hardly be

Rabbi’s Word: From Servitude to Freedom

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. On Seder night (the Eve of Passover, the central event of the Passover holiday), which is meant to preserve the memory of Exodus