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Author: EAJC

Israel’s global role 74 years later

The Jerusalem Post published a column by EAJC President Dr. Michael Mirilashvili. After almost three-quarters of a century, it’s time for us to recognize that our state is no longer just a local power – we must venture further and consider our impact on the whole world.

The Holocaust in terms of clip culture

The Jerusalem Post published a column by EAJC Director General Dr. Haim Ben Yaakov. The article in English is provided below. Along with conventional educational methods and discussion of the Holocaust, it is necessary to bring a new approach to this dialogue and examine this topic

Pesach Kasher veSameach from EAJC!

Dear friends! Pesach is coming. A holiday that celebrates the events which shaped us as a people and started the process of returning to our land. A holiday that taught us what real freedom is. In prayer we say “the time of our freedom.” When