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Author: EAJC

Jewish students across Euro-Asian region celebrate Purim

Jewish student organizations supported by the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress met Purim 2020 with many kinds of merrymaking. Hillel CASE (Central Asia Southeastern Europe), which operates with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, has united student centers in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan through

EAJC Leaders Gather via Video Conference

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Assembly, a general meeting of leaders of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, was conducted via video conference. Among the participants: EAJC President, Dr. Michael Mirilashvili, EAJC Chairman of the Board Aaron G. Frenkel, EAJC Vice Presidents, and heads of Jewish communities of

Happy Purim from EAJC!

Dear friends, On behalf of all of us at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, I want to wish you a Chag Purim Sameach! Today we celebrate the meaningful lessons of Purim, such as heroism, the triumph over persecution, and the value of Tzedaka – giving to

Rabbi’s Word: You Shall Obliterate the Memory of Amalek

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. Throughout history, the Jewish People has suffered from the heavy blows of many enemies. Nevertheless, we are commanded to exact revenge from and totally

Moscow students met with Israeli representatives in Russia

Moscow students and teachers met with the Israel charge d’affaires in the Russian Federation, Yacov Livne, and the Regional Director of the “Nativ” representative office for Russia, Belarus, and the Baltic countries, Yana Agmon. “Moscow State Institute of International Relations has established a great tradition

EAJC leaders meet with Kazakh Ambassador to Israel

The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Dr. Michael Mirilashvili, and the Director-General of the EAJC, Dr. Haim Ben-Yaakov, met with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Israel, Satybaldy Burshakov. During the meeting, the Ambassador assured the EAJC leaders in a