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Author: EAJC

Rabbi’s Word: Rest for the Weary Laborer

The start of a new year is universally seen as a good time to step back and look at our lives: for some people, that may mean making (the same) resolutions every January. For Jews, the process extends over a longer period, beginning on the

Chag Sukkot Sameach!

The EAJC wishes a happy Sukkot to all our friends and supporters, to all who attach their lives to the State of Israel and the Jewish people. In ancient times Sukkot was one of three Jewish festivals that required the people to make a pilgrimage

Shana Tova from EAJC!

Dear friends! We heartily congratulate you on the coming new year 5780! According to Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashanah is not only the birthday of the world and the beginning of a new year. Every year on this day, the Almighty judges people, nations, and countries