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Author: EAJC

EAJC greetings to the delegates of the MWU 28th Congress

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress welcomes 350 leaders from 40 countries, leaders of Jewish communities and leading businessmen from all over the world: participants in the 28th Congress of the Maccabi World Union. We especially want to support the Union of Sports Clubs of the CIS

Happy Shavuot!

Dear Friends, Torah is the basis of Jewish life, the foundation of our spirituality and culture, our art and ethics. On the Shavuot holiday, we celebrate the day God gave the Torah to the entire Jewish nation assembled at Mount Sinai. It is the most pivotal event

The World Jewish Congress and the EAJC expand cooperation

A headquarters’ summit of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) was held in Tel-Aviv, headed by the WJC Chief Program officer Sonia Gomes de Mesquita and the EAJC CEO, Dr. Haim Ben-Yakov. During the summit WJC representatives presented the structure

Pesach Kosher v’Sameah from the President of EAJC

Dear friends, I am honored to wish you Happy Passover! On  Passover, we celebrate the liberation of our ancestors from Egyptian slavery and our becoming a free nation, with our own destiny - to change our world for the better. Since the events of the