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Author: EAJC

Condolences on the assassination of ex-Japanese PM Shinzo Abe

Photo: CSIS | Center for Strategic & International Studies The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress leaders pay sincere condolences to people and government of Japan on the assassination of former prime minister Shinzo Abe (67). He was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister and led the government from 2012

EAJC: UN Human Rights Council Policy Fuels Antisemitism

Delegations from 21 countries sharply criticized the report of the UN commission on the consequences of “Guardian of the Walls” military operation (that took place in May 2021). Yesterday (June 13th) UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry on Israel provoked outraged reaction in the

Президент ЕАЕК: “Мы должны стремиться к достижению мира” (иврит)

В ходе своего выступления перед участниками Конференции Jerusalem Post в Лондоне д-р Мирилашвили призвал мировое еврейское сообщество мобилизоваться для помощи Украине: “Будущее украинских евреев в опасности”.

EAJC Helps Moldova Jewish Community To Evacuate Refugees

The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova (JCRM) has organized 11 temporary accommodation centers for Ukrainian Jewish refugees all over the country. There they can receive necessary information, place to sleep and other conditions for their stay – as well as transport, food and