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International Jewish camp for teenagers opened in Almaty

In the foothills of Almaty, with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, an international Jewish camp for teenagers has been opened. This summer, teens from Kazakhstan, the neighboring countries of Central Asia, and Israel are gathered here. As part of the fascinating camp program,

Session of Hillel CASE Professional held in Lviv

From July 4 to July 7, the Hillel CASE Professional session was held in Lviv, with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. 50 Hillel professionals from five countries and ten cities in the region came to hospitable Lviv to take part in the professional

New rubric: Rabbi’s Word

We are pleased to announce that we are starting cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. The article is based on a lecture given by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel-Steinsaltz in the academic

Exhibition commemorating the Holocaust presented in Serbia

In cooperation with the Yad Vashem, Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad and Jewish Community of Novi Sad, the exhibition “Shoah, How was it humanly possible?“ was introduced in Novi Sad, the City Hall of the Government Autonomous of Vojvodina, to commemorate the