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What is Lag baOmer? (video)

What is ‘Lag’, what is ‘Omer’ and how are they related? Why the bonfires? And why can’t you get a haircut or get married before this date? I heard something about Rabbi Akiva, but what does he have to do with it…? For those who

Happy Sukkot! (video)

Dear colleagues and friends! Happy Sukkot to everyone! Learn about what and how do we celebrate on Sukkot in our special video?

Shana Tova from EAJC!

Today we are stepping into the new Jewish year of 5781. We decided to deviate somewhat from our traditional greetings and wish first and foremost you and your loved ones good health. The past year was very difficult for Israel and for the whole world.

Shavuot: Stories, Meanings, and Customs (video)

Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah and the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Every year we relive that outstanding experience, learning the Torah and celebrating Shavuot as the meaningful and joyful Jewish holiday. Hag Shavuot Sameach!