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Jewish life in Euro-Asian region goes online

The threat of the spread of coronavirus could not paralyze the activities of Jewish communities and organizations comprising the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. On the contrary, the emergency regime gave a new impetus to the mobilization of forces and the rallying of people. Jewish life in

Jewish students across Euro-Asian region celebrate Purim

Jewish student organizations supported by the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress met Purim 2020 with many kinds of merrymaking. Hillel CASE (Central Asia Southeastern Europe), which operates with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, has united student centers in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan through

Moscow students met with Israeli representatives in Russia

Moscow students and teachers met with the Israel charge d’affaires in the Russian Federation, Yacov Livne, and the Regional Director of the “Nativ” representative office for Russia, Belarus, and the Baltic countries, Yana Agmon. “Moscow State Institute of International Relations has established a great tradition

Bright fall season of the Russian Union of Jewish Students

The Russian Union of Jewish Students (RUJS) was created in 2015 on the initiative of the head of the Union of Israeli Students (Jewish Club) MGIMO Shota Mirilashvili, and from the first steps, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress became the general partner of the young organization.