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At the initiative of Aaron G. Frenkel EAJC supports families of Israel’s fallen soldiers

The non-profit organization “Or le-Mishpahot”, created in 2008 by reserve lieutenant colonel Irit Oren Gonders with the aim of supporting parents whose children were killed in the Israeli wars, will once again hold this year its mourning events with the relatives of the fallen soldiers. The main task of “Or le-Mishpahot” is to provide year-round support for the parents of fallen soldiers, who often experience severe depression after the death of their loved ones.

“We try to inspire, entertain and support the families of the fallen, and in particular their parents, in a variety of ways, since many of them after the death of their children are in an extremely difficult condition – they stop leaving their homes, experience social distancing and sinking into grief. The state provides them with financial and psychological assistance, but they have almost no incentive to continue an active social life. We are becoming this incentive. We organize for them a variety of events, trips around the country, trips abroad and much more,” said the head of the development department Eldad Bronstein.

According to Bronstein, the organization activity would have been impossible without the constant financial support of the Chairman of the EuroAsian Jewish Congress Mr. Aaron G. Frenkel, who also serves as president of the “Or le-Mishpahot” organization.

The past year was not easy for “Or le-Mishpahot”, as well as for any public organizations around the world. The pandemic has made its own adjustments to the plans of the organization, and it had to adapt itself to new realities. However, the activity of “Or le-Mishpahot” during the past year did not stop for a minute, although it underwent some changes. Thus, due to the impossibility of attending concerts, organizing joint trips or flying abroad, “Or le-Mishpahot” continued to support the parents of the fallen soldiers via telephone conversations, personal meetings, gifts and group meetings with a limited number of participants. Today, as the coronavirus epidemic in Israel subsides, “Or le-Mishpahot” is returning to its usual activities.

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On the evening of 13 April 2021 Israel marks Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. The official events begin at 8:00 PM with a moment of national silence heralded by a one-minute siren. After that, the central event will start in front of the Western Wall, where the President of the State of Israel, the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces and the families of people who have lost their relatives in wars and terrorist attacks will take part.

Remembrance Day ceremonies commence at 11:00 AM at all IDF military cemeteries located throughout the country, following a two-minute blast of the siren. They are attended by the families of the fallen, public figures and representatives of the government, police and the security forces. The main service is held at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

On Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism, the citizens of Israel unite in memory of of those killed in terrorist attacks and in all Israei wars. This day is observed each year on the 4th of the Hebrew month of Iyar or in proximity to that date, and it is always marked one day before Independence Day, emphasizing and symbolizing the connection between the sacrifice of the fallen and the establishment of the State of Israel.