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EAJC expresses concern over the UN Security Council vote on Iran arms embargo

EAJC expresses its concern over the refusal of Germany, Britain and France to support US moves to restore UN sanctions against Iran. Israel has repeatedly demonstrated numerous violations of the nuclear agreement by Tehran, but this had zero affect on the decision of the European countries. One gets the impression that Europe deliberately ignores the fact that the Iranian nuclear agreement exists at this stage only on paper.

By rejecting the US request to initiate “snapback” mechanism, which allows a participant to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) to seek the reimposition against Iran of the multilateral sanctions lifted in 2015, as well as refusing to impose an arms embargo, European states actually sided with the Islamic Republic, which denies the Holocaust and has made its official objective “to wipe out” Israel and the Jews.

Many of Iran’s satellites, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, whose mission is to dostroy Israel and harm its citizens, as well as Jews around the world, that have become much stronger since the signing of the treaty, will become even stronger. Moreover, Iran, which has repeatedly supported terrorists in various countries and partially abandoned this practice for financial reasons, will undoubtedly return to sponsoring international terror.

The EAJC leaders call on the participants in the Iranian nuclear deal to reconsider their position, reimpose economic sanctions on the Ayatollah regime and refuse to sell weapons to Iran and its satellites. Otherwise, a significant increase in the number of rocket attacks on Israeli cities, terrorist attacks against Jewish citizens and terrorist expansion, which would be financially supported by the Islamic Republic, will be only a matter of time.