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EAJC supports Russia’s participation in renovation of the Sobibor Museum

Mikhael Mirilashvili, President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), expressed his surprise at a decision rendered by the international managing committee charged with renovating the Sobibor Concentration Camp Museum to refuse Russia’s participation and assistance in the project. Mirilashvili noted that it is necessary to differentiate between international politics and the obligation to honor the memory of Holocaust victims.

“The obligation to preserve the memories of the horrific events that took place in the concentration and extermination camps is incumbent upon each and every one of us. Russia is a key player in memorializing Holocaust victims, and her participation in this project is vital. I agree wholeheartedly with Israel’s official reaction supporting Russia’s participation in renovating the Sobibor camp museum. The etymological root of the word Jew is the Hebrew word hodaya, gratitude. As Jews, we are obliged to express our gratitude to anyone who assisted us in those difficult times.”