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EAJC Vice President Boris Lozhkin provides medical staff with protection kits against coronavirus

EAJC Vice President, Boris Lozhkin, along with his wife, Nadezhda Shalomova, donated protection kits against coronavirus to the Institute of Otolaryngology named after prof. Kolomiychenko, Ukraine NAMS.

Boris Lozhkin noted that doctors and other healthcare workers are at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus, in the high-risk zone, therefore it is extremely important to ensure their safety first. The kit includes protective overalls, the latest generation of respirators, safety glasses, and disposable gloves.

The Institute of Otolaryngology employs the best Ukrainian specialists in the field that is the first to encounter coronavirus. “Therefore, it is so important to provide medical staff with the maximum means of protection so that they will be able to provide assistance to everyone in need,” Boris Lozhkin emphasized.