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EAJC welcomed the decision of the authorities of Kosovo for including Hezbollah on the terrorist list

The terrorist acts, organized and carried out by the Hezbollah militants with the financial and moral support of Iran, have brought dozens of victims on different continents for decades. However, some leading international organizations, including the United Nations, still refuse to recognize Hezbollah as an organization pursuing terrorist goals.

Against this background, the decision of the authorities of Kosovo to join the voice of reason and recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist organization evokes special respect.

Among the terrorist acts planned and executed by Hezbollah: an explosion on an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas (Bulgaria), explosions near the Israeli embassy and in the Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and other heinous crimes that claimed dozens of innocent lives.

“The decision of the authorities of Kosovo is symbolic in the days when we bow our heads in memory of the victims at the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires in 1994, in which 85 people were killed and hundreds were injured. We call on governments and international organizations around the world to unite in an uncompromising fight against radicalism and extremism”, – said EAJC President Mikhail Mirilashvili.

“The United Nations still refuses to declare Hezbollah as a terrorist entity, separating the military and political wings, although the Hezbollah leadership itself considers its inseparable nature. The political wing of Hezbollah continues to operate in the European Union, raising funds, recruiting new activists and spreading anti-Semitic and extremist ideologies”, – said EAJC Director General Haim Ben Yakov.