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Euro-Asian Jewish Congress mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Photo: Michael Garnett

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

On behalf of the EAJC leaders and, President of the Congress Dr. Michael Mirilashvili sent a letter to British Ambassador to Israel Mr. Neil Wigan:

“Dear Mr. Ambassador,

May I express on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress my deepest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

Shortly after the Platinum Jubilee of Queen’s service it’s truly heartbreaking and very hard to comprehend.

The Queen lived a remarkable live, she represented the whole historical epoch, being at service at most vulnerable and exciting times. She truly was and forever will remain in our hearts and in the blessed memory as a role model and a symbol of great leadership, wisdom and modesty.

May I again express our condolences to you and all the British nation, United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms. We mourn together and pray for you at these difficult times”.