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Happy Passover from EAJC!

Today thousands of Jews in the Euro-Asian region are holding the Seder, celebrating the most sacred and significant Jewish festival of the year. This Seder night is unique since, like so much else in our lives now, it is remade due to the unusual circumstances of the pandemic. 

Instead of large gatherings of family and friends, many Seder feasts held at tables for four, two, or even one. So let us be inspired by the beauty of so many Jews from all over the world joining together in celebration of Pesach. This year we feel it even stronger.

Since many people experience difficulties sourcing traditional Pesach foods, we at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress made sure that the Jews of the Euro-Asian region will have enough matzah for the holiday. 

The Seder is a marvel of Torah thought and Talmudic wisdom. It is a source of Jewish identity and a free creative spirit, a shared experience that pulls the Jewish people together. That is what it means to be a part of the Jewish people, as it always was and always will be.

Chag Pesach sameach, dear friends!


Dr. Michael Mirilashvili
President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress