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Hillel opened free Hebrew courses in Moscow with the EAJC support

On August 25 HILLEL Jewish youth organization launched a Hebrew course in Moscow. The course includes six classes held every Sunday from 16.00 to 17.30 in the cultural and educational space of Sokolniki Park called BUKVODOM (literally, Book Home).

These lessons make it possible to learn Hebrew for everyone who is eager to do so: the tuition is provided free of charge by Hebrew teacher Ilya Yuzefovich. The course is given in the park and gathers more than a thousand participants.

Hebrew is an amazing language. The Hebrew alphabet is one of the oldest known to mankind. There are neither vowels nor capital letters in it. This language is based on strict logic and is incredibly beautiful. Hebrew knowledge is useful not only for visiting Israel, but also for studying the history of major world religions.

This free Hebrew course was made possible by the support of the GENESIS Foundation and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.

Bella Waldberg, EAJC-Russia CEO:

“The best way to increase the accessibility and attractiveness of language learning is to make the learning informal, i.e. to leave classrooms for leisure areas, to abandon the conventional surroundings and teaching methods.

Hebrew is considered to be one of the oldest and at the same time one of the youngest languages of our planet. Courses such as this one provide a great opportunity to explore the origins of Jewish culture and civilization in the rhythm of a modern city. Moreover, the strengthening of business and friendly ties between Russia and Israel, as well as the growing interest in learning “exotic” languages can expand the potential audience of the course.

We are grateful to our partner, the Hillel-Russia Center, for this initiative and are very happy to support the project, thanks to which Hebrew learning has become more accessible in Moscow. “