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More than a hundred children attended the Nesharim Jewish camp in Moldova

The Nesharim Jewish camp of the Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova, which was held on July 2019 with the support of the EAJC, gathered more than a hundred children from all over the country.

During the ten-day sleepaway camp, the children learned a lot about Jewish history and got to know the bright historical characters, who visited daily and took part in the camp activities.

The Nesharim participants welcomed Shabbat together, listened to the fascinating stories about Moses and Joseph, the Exodus from Egyptian slavery, the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the dispersion of the people, about receiving the Torah and about 12 tribes of Israel.

Every day diverse thematic workshops were held in the camp: from business and rhetoric to dancing and making slimes. The kids showed excellent team qualities in sports competitions and intellectual games, and also enthusiastically discussed both Jewish and all-human challenges.

Special attention was paid to the history of the Jews in Moldova and discussion about the present and the future Jewish community of the country.

“The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova and the EAJC have united in a common effort to help children forming their Jewish identity. The annual camp “Nesharim” perfectly fulfills the task, attracting more and more children every year,” said EAJC President Mikhail Mirilashvili.

“The future of the Moldovan Jewish community is forming before our eyes, and we are happy to support the organizers of the long-term Nesharim program, who are optimistic about the Jewish future in the country,” said the director of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Haim Ben-Yaakov.