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Shana Tova from EAJC!

Dear friends!

The past year has been extraordinarily difficult. Hard trials continue to fall on most of the mankind and the world Jewish community as well. This year, many had to experience unprecedented difficulties, realize the value of human life and once again recall eternal values.

At times like these, we realize that “peace” is not just a beautiful word. We say it often, but sometimes we forget what it really stands for. Peace is a great respect for human rights, freedom and the opinion of others. This is cooperation between people and nations, the exchange of ideas, scientific and technological progress. Peace is, first of all, humanity, mercy and the holiness of life.

It is exactly what Judaism has taught the Jewish people for centuries. Moses in the book of Deuteronomy tells the people directly: between life and death, choose life. For the sake of life and its salvation, we not only might, we are obliged to violate one of the most important commandments – the observance of Shabbat. In this case, the breach becomes compliance. It is hard to realize that such cases have become a monstrous routine this year.

Such a reverent attitude to life, responsibility for each other and readiness to help are in the very heart of the modern Jewish state’s character, which has grown on a solid foundation of several thousand years tradition. These are the foundations of our faith and life, which we can pass on to other nations.

These values ​​form the basis of our organization as well. For 30 years, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has been taking care of the communities needs of the region, and among them, of course, the communities of the former Soviet Union countries. We supported them in the most difficult moments, we continue to support them now.

We pray for the peace and fulfill our moral duty – to help and support everyone who needs our help, being in a very difficult situation today.

In the darkest times, even when it was difficult to accept and comprehend everything that was happening around, the Jewish people did not lose their faith and did not stop praying. According to our tradition, the entire month of Elul, and especially the Ten Days between Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, is precisely a time when the Almighty is especially open to our prayers. Let us consider what we could have done better this past year and make a sincere request for peace. So that, G-d willing, the next year, 5783, would be a year of calmness, forgiveness, healing of wounds, global awareness of the great value of peace and the unacceptability of war.

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress heartily congratulates you on the upcoming 5783 Jewish New Year!

Shana tova u-metuka!



Dr. Michael Mirilashvili

President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress