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Tag: ieajs

Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Yearbook released

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Yearbook “Jews of Europe and Asia: State, Heritage, and Prospects” (Russian: “Евреи Европы и Азии: состояние, наследие и перспективы”) for 5779 (2018-2019) is released by the Institute of Euro-Asian Jewish Studies founded by EAJC, in academic cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “The Euro-Asian Jewish

The 5th international conference “Limmud Moldova 2019” was held in Chisinau

The 5th international conference “Limmud Moldova 2019” in Chisinau brought together more than 300 participants from Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, France, the USA, and other countries. At the conference opening ceremony, the EAJC Vice President Alexander Bilinkis welcomed the participants on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and

New extended study conducted with the support of the EAJC presented in Oxford

First results of the extended study “Jews of the Post-Soviet Space”, conducted with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, were presented at the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 for curriculum development in critical antisemitism studies, by prof. Ze’ev Khanin, the Academic Chairman of the Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies (IEAJS).

Prof. Ze’ev Khanin: “the “Russian” Israeli community is rather a product of the local experience then of the Soviet and post-Soviet legacy

Photo: Erez Biton Photography At the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies, one of the leading Israeli experts on the Israeli Russian-speaking community prof. Zeev Khanin concisely summarized the key findings of multiple studies regarding the Russian-speaking Israeli citizens. Reviewing comprehensive studies over the last nine years, Prof.