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Tag: kesher

Introducing Online Projects by EAJC Communities and Organizations

Many communities and organizations supported by the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress continue developing multifaceted online activity. Traditional Jewish values, such as love, mutual responsibility, helping the weak, as well as creative approach and modern technologies will help us overcome all difficulties. Dear friends, your perseverance and professional attitude make a difficult

Jewish life in Euro-Asian region goes online

The threat of the spread of coronavirus could not paralyze the activities of Jewish communities and organizations comprising the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. On the contrary, the emergency regime gave a new impetus to the mobilization of forces and the rallying of people. Jewish life in the Euro-Asian region is undergoing

Jewish Mothers-Daughters workshop was successfully held in Samara

With the support of EAJC, the Mothers-Daughters workshop was successfully held by the Jewish women's organization Project Kesher within the framework of the project “L’dor Vador. The power of generations”. Mothers and daughters from five Russian cities - Samara, Saratov, Kaluga, Ufa, and Ulyanovsk - gathered together to learn more