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SHOAH – a new special project by EAJC

EAJC launched a new special project ‘Shoah’ devoted solely to the history of the Holocaust. The project is aimed to gather various unique, interactive materials about the Holocaust, helping younger generations learn and understand this subject deeper.

Special meeting with the President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin

On December 8, 2020, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Dr. Mikhail Mirilashvili, EAJC Director General Dr. Haim Ben Yakov and EAJC Treasurer Menachem Bushuev met in Jerusalem with the Israeli President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin. The famous collection of feuilletons by Vladimir (Zeev) Zhabotinsky, republished by the Congress, was

Shana Tova from EAJC!

Today we are stepping into the new Jewish year of 5781. We decided to deviate somewhat from our traditional greetings and wish first and foremost you and your loved ones good health. The past year was very difficult for Israel and for the whole world. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has

EAJC participated in second Kiev Jewish Forum

The second Kiev Jewish Forum, organized by the first vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Boris Lozhkin, took place between September 8 and 9. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Forum was held online with the assistance of The Jerusalem Post. The forum was attended by, among others,

Euro-Asian Jewish Congress welcomes the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’ condemnation of rehabilitation of Nazi collaborators

Фото: International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), containing 35 member and liaison countries, issued a statement condemning “all attempts to rehabilitate the reputations of persons who were complicit in the crimes of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma.”  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President Dr. Michael

EAJC Chairman, Aaron G. Frenkel, helped Israeli coronavirus victims

Chairman of the Board of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Aaron G. Frenkel contributed five cargo aircraft full of medical equipment and 14 million shekels to the fight against COVID-19 through the largest Israeli voluntary organization, Yad Sarah. Mr. Frenkel has also matched all donations to the organization to bring life-saving