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Tag: rabbis word

Rabbi’s Word: The Torah – basis of the singularity

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. We publish this article after the death of Rabbi Steinsaltz, one of the greatest philosophers of our generation, a scientist and a Hasid. Let his memory be

Rabbi’s Word: «This matzah that we eat…»

On all the festivals and Sabbaths of the year, an honored place is assigned to the day’s meals. The meal is not just a necessary accompaniment to the needs of life, but is an integral part of life. This prominence of eating does not pertain only to special days of

Rabbi’s Word: Preparing for drinking on Purim

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. We publish this article after the death of Rabbi Steinsaltz, one of the greatest philosophers of our generation, a scientist and a Hasid. Let his memory be

Rabbi’s Word: From Servitude to Freedom

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. On Seder night (the Eve of Passover, the central event of the Passover holiday), which is meant to preserve the memory of Exodus across generations, we observe a

Rabbi’s Word: You Shall Obliterate the Memory of Amalek

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. Throughout history, the Jewish People has suffered from the heavy blows of many enemies. Nevertheless, we are commanded to exact revenge from and totally destroy Amalek alone. Amalek is

Rabbi’s Word: Antisemitism

Currently, antisemitism is considered a swear word; very few people will openly admit that they are antisemites. There are, of course, various synonyms of this term, which, in contrast, are widely used; but since World War II people no longer talk openly about antisemitism. Still, this phenomenon is quite widespread,

Rabbi’s Word: Stiffnecked People

We continue cooperation with the institute of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and publish specially prepared material for the communities of the EAJC members. The Al HaNissim prayer, that we recite on the holy days of Channukah, contains a detailed description of the events of that time: religious persecution, war, victory over the Greeks and,

Rabbi’s Word: Rest for the Weary Laborer

The start of a new year is universally seen as a good time to step back and look at our lives: for some people, that may mean making (the same) resolutions every January. For Jews, the process extends over a longer period, beginning on the first day of the month