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The 5th international conference “Limmud Moldova 2019” was held in Chisinau

The 5th international conference “Limmud Moldova 2019” in Chisinau brought together more than 300 participants from Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, France, the USA, and other countries.

At the conference opening ceremony, the EAJC Vice President Alexander Bilinkis welcomed the participants on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and emphasized the importance and fruitfulness of cooperation between the Jewish Community of Moldova and the EAJC.

“Limmud Moldova 2019” offered the participants a rich and varied program. Seminars, lectures, master classes and discussions covered a wide variety of topics: from the history of the Jews of Moldova to religious discussions and meetings with celebrities.

Prof. Zeev Khanin, head of the Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies – one of the EAJC special projects, presented the results of the new extended study “Jews of the Post-Soviet Space”, concerning the Jews of Moldova.

A special conference program for kids and teens aged 6-17 was presented by educational professionals and the experienced team of the Nesharim Jewish community camp, which is held annually with the support of the EAJC. This summer, the Nesharim camp gathered more than a hundred children from different parts of Moldova.